Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"My Mama Told Me There'd be Days Like This!"

And today's winners are:

Lilacs: To Mary-T, once again, for coming through with flying colors when she's needed the most! Thank, God (and yes, God is a woman!), for the talent Mary-T possess and for all the beautiful arrangemets she's helped with this week! So proud of ALL your achievements, Mary-T!

Lemons: To all this miserable rain, I mean coming down in sheets for the last week. Flooding everywhere. . . I believe I saw Noah's ark passing quietly by . . . I mean really!

Lilacs: To one of the few pluses that comes with all this miserable wet. . . beautiful spring flowers. Daffodils, tulips, and freesia about in my small, but humble garden, popping their brilliant heads of yellow, orange, red, and bright purple among the gardenias, bringing the most wonderful scents to ease the mind!

Lemons: To the two middle-aged women who crossed in the middle of the street (NOT in the crosswalk) near the Dell Monte Cafe in the midst of lunch hour traffic, and sporatically stopping to admire the view while motorists attempted to miss their sorry asses! ("That's right; there's nothing we like more than having you show your stupidity and moving at a snails pace at the same time!")

Lilacs: To the gentleman who, even though was next in line for a table at the restaurant, gave up his table to our group until his expected companions showed up for lunch. Wow! There still are a few left in the world!

Lemons: To the tragedy that caused one of my favorite restaurants burn to the ground at 4:00 this morning! (Cabo San Luis . . . you will be missed and we hope you return real soon!)

Lilacs: To friends whom you haven't seen perhaps months, yet every time you are with them manage to fill your life with fun and laughter and support you no matter what!!!

Lemons: To all of these earthquakes! Taiwan at 6.4 today; what's next?!?

Lilacs: To professors who, even though have been totally explicit in their instructions, still find the fortitude to work with seemingly brain and/or drug dead students who insist they know it all! You, my find professorial friends, have the patience of Job!

(And, who, will be the next lucky recipients? Stay tuned for more. . . it could be you!)

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